Mental Health Matters | For Your Inner G
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Welcome to For Your Inner G

A mental wealth space helping individuals improve their mental and emotional well-being to support and encourage adulting success.


Here you will receive practical tips and life-skill techniques to help you build the muscle that influences everything you do. Your mind and how you think & feel about yourself is what FYIG is on a mission to help improve so that you may feel good about the decisions you make and the challenges you overcome in your daily life. 


Everyone deserves to live a happy and fulfilling life and FYIG is here to help you achieve that.


Join the FYIG community today and start your journey towards a better you.


Dr. Amirah B. Abdullah
A Champion of Community-Driven Wellness, Mental Wealth Advocacy,
and Mi
ndfulness Coaching

Hello There!


I am thrilled to have you here and appreciate your interest in getting to know me. I was Born and raised in San Bernardino, CA, and have an educational background that has given me the opportunity to learn and support diverse cultures and communities. 


As a Doctor of Public Health, I am passionate about using my gift to help and encourage others to be intentional about their mental, spiritual, and emotional health. I love helping young adults develop self awareness, spiritual stamina, mental toughness, and life skills needed to experience adulting success. 


Friend or future pal, your arrival sparks a joyous flame within me.


Thank you for being here. I’m looking forward to building a meaningful connection with you!


❤️ Dr. A

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